Lake County ADAMHS Board Annual Meeting Update 2024 Theme: In Essential Services, People Make the Difference.

Lake County, OH: The Lake County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board officially transitioned to a new fiscal year Monday during its annual meeting and dinner event held at LaMalfa. Nearly 170 people attended.
Established by Ohio Statute, the ADAMHS Board is responsible for planning, funding, monitoring, and evaluating Lake County’s community-based mental health and substance use recovery services. Those services are delivered through a network of agencies. Board members – all Lake County residents who serve without compensation – include medical professionals, mental health and recovery experts, consumers (people who need and use services) and relatives of consumers, community leaders and business professionals.
The Board approved a $12.2 million budget for ongoing non-Medicaid funding for its 2025 fiscal year. Those funds will provide services for local individuals and families who are living with mental illness or substance use disorders.
During the meeting the Lake ADAMHS Board congratulated Board Member Dave Enzerra who is retiring from his fourth term on the Board. Dave’s first connection to the Lake ADAMHS Board was in 2002 when he, along with Dave Cowen, led a comprehensive strategic planning process for the entire system. The resulting strategic plan continues to serve as Lake ADAMHS’s guide today. Three years later Dave Enzerra officially joined the Board and over the course of his service Dave has been on the Allocation Committee, Evaluation/Quality Improvement Committee, Long-Range Planning Committee, Marketing Committee, Mental Health Committee, and the Executive Committee. Roberta Kalb, current Board Chair joked “He’s basically held every position throughout his four terms spanning 16 years on the board.” Roberta thanked him as one of the major reasons for the board’s success because he has always had a vision of what the board should look like stating “Dave’s contribution to this Board will have a lasting impact and he certainly will be missed.”
Roberta also stated the officers from fiscal year 2024 will remain the same for 2025 which includes Roberta Kalb, Chair; Pam Kurt, Vice-Chair; Amber Torres-Gonzalez, Treasurer; Nicole Parker, Secretary; and Matt Sabo, Past Chair. Other fiscal-year 2025 Board members include Carl Dondorfer, Michael Hatton, Stacy Kramer, Curtis Lau, Marty Phillips III, Beverly Schilero, Jeffery Taylor, and William Wilson.
Following the formal Board meeting, Board Members, staff, and guests shared dinner and a program that included guest speaker Cheri Walter, Chief Executive Officer, of the Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities. Cheri presented on The Future of Mental Health and Addiction
Prevention and Services. Her presentation discussed how a statewide system of care that is oriented on recovery improves the community’s overall strength and position as it fights the stigma and discrimination of those living with a mental illness or are in substance use recovery.
The Lake ADAMHS Board Executive Director, Kim Fraser, used her time at the podium to underscore the importance of people and how people make the difference. She described the collaboration of 16 agencies, the ability to secure funding to increase residential treatment services, and the continued support of local tax revenue. The Board has 16 agencies who every day convert words into action, they are: Crossroads Health, Signature Health, Lake-Geauga Recovery Centers, Torchlight Youth Mentoring, Bridges, Extended Housing, Cleveland Rape Crisis Center, WomenSafe, Family Pride, NAMI Lake County, The Fine Arts Association, Northcoast Behavioral Health, Catholic Charities, University Hospitals, Lifeline, and Windsor-Laurelwood. “The reality is that our Board is nothing without the incredible partnership of our network, and the strong continuum of care they provide our community,” Kim explained. “They stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Lake County ADAMHS Board, stomping out stigma and helping connect those in need with vital services including prevention and education, evidence-based treatment services, and recovery supports”. Kim also mentioned how the Board has secured $3.5 million in ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funding to expand needed residential treatment services. “We’ve made a difference by diversifying our inpatient treatment options for individuals needing the highest level of care”, stated Kim Fraser. Lastly, she thanked Lake County taxpayers; for their support; as over 60% of Lake County ADAMHS Board funding comes from their two local levies. In November, the Board will once again be asking voters to support a renewal of one of the levies. “This is lifeblood funding for us, and while this evening is simply the ‘soft launch’ of our campaign, make no mistake that the Lake ADAMHS Board’s impact on the county’s health is an essential service for everyone”, stated Kim Fraser, Executive Director of the Lake County ADAMHS Board.
Lastly, the ADAMHS Board bestowed its three annual system-wide awards at the event the Advocate Award, the Consumer Achievement Award, and the Unsung Hero Award.
The Advocate Award went to Jeff Monreal from Jeff Monreal Funeral Home in Painesville, submitted by the Lake County Narcotics Agency. Jeff reached out to community leaders looking for a way to make an impact on the drug overdose deaths in our community. He provided three testimonials to the Lake ADAMHS Board to film. These real testimonials talked about the difficult loss of a loved one due to an overdose. Their stories will help connect those individuals and families struggling with addiction and unfortunate relapses to treatment.
The Consumer Achievement Award went to Jeff Wachtell submitted by Crossroads Health. Jeff works for a local cleaning company and has been there for over 15 years. Jeff possessed a deep determination to confront his mental health challenges head-on and cultivate a fulfilling life despite the obstacles he faced. Jeff consistently demonstrated a remarkable commitment to his job and his own well-being. “One of Jeff’s most admirable qualities is his unwavering dedication to doing his best job and viewing himself as a member of the Crossroads Health team. Whether it is emptying the trash cans, vacuuming the floors, or cleaning an office, Jeff feels that this is his contribution to the overall benefit of the staff and clients of the agency. His remarkable journey of personal growth, resilience, and self-empowerment is truly deserving of recognition and celebration”, this was a written submission by Amber Thomas, Chief Clinical Officer at Crossroads Health for the award.
The Unsung Hero Award went to Patty Smith from Signature Health. Patty was the Deputy Director of Crossroads for many years, served at Windsor-Laurelwood briefly, and has spent the last 15 years at Signature Health in various roles including 10 years leading their Willoughby location and now leads Signature Health’s Intake and School Based Care departments across multiple counties in the region. “As Patty shifts into a part-time semi-retirement status, we (Signature Health) recommend Patty for this award for the countless people she has mentored and tens of thousands of patients who were impacted by her tireless work”, wrote Jonathan Lee, Founder and CEO of Signature Health.
The elected officials in attendance who provided their awards were United States Representative David Joyce, Ohio House of Representative Daniel Troy, Ohio State Senator Jerry Cirino, Judge John Eklund, and Lake County Commissioner John Hamercheck.
About the Lake County ADAMHS Board
The Lake County ADAMHS Board plans, funds, monitors, and evaluates services available to residents who are living with mental illness and/or substance use disorders. For more information, please visit