How will you use the ADAMHS logo?
File types matter! For instance jpeg files are fine for social media posts and smaller print applications but may get blurry if used in larger pieces. Ask your printer, web designer, or video company about which file type they need.
RGB Hex: #00539b
PMS 7686 C
C 100
M 68
Y 0
K 12
RGB Hex: #ca006c
PMS 214 C
C 0
M 100
Y 13
K 17
CMYK = Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. If you’re printing a four color (sometimes called full color) piece this is what your printer will want.
RGB = Red, Green, Blue. Hexidecimal code can be substituted for RGB Numbers e.g. #000000
PMS= Pantone Matching System
Any of our logos marked “OL” are outlined. That means you can put them on any background with no white box appearing.
Do's and Don'ts
Do: Use the ADAMHS logo liberally. Our ability to continue to fund and support organizations like yours depends on Lake County voters “connecting the dots” between people and families who need services, agencies who offer those services, and ADAMHS funding and support.
Do: Use this language when space permits: (Your organization’s name) receives vital funding and support from the Lake County ADAMHS Board, which is responsible for planning, funding, and evaluating Lake County’s mental health and recovery services. Learn more at
Don’t: Alter our logo in any way (“stretch” so that the circle isn’t a true circle anymore, change the colors, etc.)