Lake County ADAMHS Board seeks voter support for 2024 renewal levy

Immediate Release
Contact: David Schick
The Lake County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board
Phone: 440-350-2193
June 19, 2024
Lake County ADAMHS Board seeks voter support for 2024 renewal levy
Mentor, OH: Lake County voters will have an opportunity to vote on whether they want to renew a levy for the county mental health and addiction services and supports. The Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board officially got approval from the Lake County Board of Commissioners President John T. Plecnik, Richard J. Regovich, and John R. Hamercheck that will allow voters to decide whether to extend the 0.9-mill property tax levy for the operation of community addiction services providers and community mental health services providers.
With the support of the Commissioners, the levy will be on the ballot for the November 5, 2024 in the general election. Kimberly Fraser, Executive Director of the Lake County ADAMHS Board, spoke during the Commissioner’s meeting and stated “These services have a proven record of saving and improving the lives of residents. This board has a long history of providing outstanding services while staying within our operating budget. We maintain a remarkably low administrative overhead at 7% ensuring that these vital levy dollars are channeled into services that help people and families here in Lake County.”
The 0.9-mill levy was last approved in 2015 and generated $5.48 million in 2024 according to county budget estimates, this accounts for 30% of the ADAMHS annual budget.
Richard J. Regovich, Lake County Commissioner, emphasized “The Lake County ADAMHS Board is a financially sound board that provides critical services without large funding surplus. We are happy to support them to be on the ballot and allow residents to decide the funding they want for this essential organization.”
John R. Hamercheck, Lake County Commissioner, highlighted that “The ADAMHS Board and their Executive Director, Kimberly Fraser, have represented Lake Countians in the national opioid litigation case and has secured and advocated for effective mental health funding. They are a leader in the state and we want to continue to support their excellent work.”
According to the Ohio Department of Taxation, one mil is $1 in taxes for every $100,000 of taxable value. This is not a new tax proposal, in fact, the same level that has been continually supported by Lake County voters since 1976.
John T. Plecnik, President of the Lake County Commissioner’s underscored “By keeping the renewal status the levy is not a tax increase. This keeps the roll back funding from the state intact and keeps services for our resident at the high standards they have been.”
Lastly Fraser accentuated “We know, that statistically 1 in 4 adults will experience mental illness. We know, that children that have a mental illness are exponentially more likely to drop out of school. We know, that untreated depression is the #1 risk factor for suicide. We know, that 300 times this month and every month that someone in the throes of a mental health crisis will show up at a hospital’s emergency department here in Lake County. Your support for the ADAMHS system is smart from a practical perspective. In fact, every dollar invested in proactive community-based mental health services, like the ones offered by our network of agencies, saves tax payers up to $7. This renewal levy represents a terrific investment for taxpayers.”
About the Lake County ADAMHS Board
The Lake County ADAMHS Board plans, funds, monitors, and evaluates services available to residents who are living with mental illness and/or substance use disorders. For more information, please visit
Photo attached owned and able to be used for media. Photo credit David Schick from Lake ADAMHS.